Acceptable Usage Policy

Welcome to CruvzCloud! Our Acceptable Use Policy ("AUP") sets the guidelines for your use of our services and aims to safeguard the interests of our customers, users, affiliates, and third parties, while ensuring compliance with laws and regulations. The AUP applies to all users subscribing to CruvzCloud's Internet, IP, or technology services ("CruvzCloud Services"), whether directly or indirectly, including customers, third-party users, and all infrastructure within CruvzCloud's network.

By using CruvzCloud Services, you agree to comply with this AUP, which is an integral part of your agreement with us. We may update the AUP periodically, and your continued use of our services constitutes acceptance of any changes. Please stay updated by checking our website ( for the latest version.

It's important to note:

Responsibility: You, as a customer, are responsible for adhering to this AUP and ensuring your users also comply. Any violations by your users, authorized or not, make you liable for resulting damages.

Monitoring and Reporting: While we don't actively monitor all data, we expect users to report any violations or unlawful activities they encounter. We rely on user feedback to maintain a secure environment.

To report a potential violation, refer to our "Reporting Violations" section for instructions.

Remember, compliance with this AUP ensures a safe and secure environment for everyone using CruvzCloud's services. Your adherence to these guidelines is crucial in maintaining the integrity and security of our network and infrastructure.

Thank you for being a part of the CruvzCloud community!

Prohibited Content

Users must refrain from posting, transmitting, or storing any data or content on or through CruvzCloud's services that, as determined solely by CruvzCloud, violates any national, federal, state, local, or international laws, regulations, ordinances, court orders, or other legal processes ("Applicable Laws"). It is the user's responsibility to ascertain the relevant Applicable Laws applicable to their usage. Prohibited content includes, but is not limited to:

Content or code that facilitates a breach of this AUP or describes methods to violate it.

Gathered addresses or information obtained without consent.

Websites designed for "phishing" purposes.

Sites involved in "spamvertising."

Maintaining compliance with these guidelines helps ensure a secure and lawful environment for all users of CruvzCloud's services.
Offensive Content

Users must refrain from publishing, transmitting, or storing any content or links on or via CruvzCloud's services that CruvzCloud reasonably believes:

Involves or promotes child pornography, bestiality, or non-consensual sex acts.

Contains excessively violent material, encourages violence, or includes harassing content or hate speech.

Violates consumer protection laws, including chain letters, pyramid schemes, or deceptive content.

Is defamatory or infringes upon an individual's privacy.

Poses risks to personal or public safety, compromises national security, or obstructs law enforcement investigations.

Improperly exposes trade secrets or confidential information.

Aids in bypassing technical copyright protections or encourages copyright infringement.

Infringes upon copyrights, trademarks, patents, or any other property rights.

Promotes illegal substances, violates export control laws, involves illegal gambling, or illegal arms trade.

Solicits or involves in illegal activities or behaviors that contravene laws applicable to users or CruvzCloud.

Is malicious, fraudulent, or could lead to retaliatory actions against CruvzCloud by offended parties.

CruvzCloud reserves the right to take appropriate actions outlined in this AUP and to collaborate fully with any criminal investigations concerning content that potentially violates laws.

User's Security Obligation

Users are expected to take reasonable precautions to safeguard the security of their servers within the CruvzCloud environment, including its physical infrastructure. Each customer holds sole responsibility for and assumes all associated risks concerning any unauthorized access or security breaches affecting their servers, even if they've purchased a designated security administration or firewall service package from CruvzCloud.

CruvzCloud reserves the right to disconnect or block any computer, mobile device, server, or other device causing disruptions to CruvzCloud's environment due to a security compromise. Such actions may be taken without refund or credit for the user.

Maintaining security measures helps create a secure and stable environment for all users of CruvzCloud's services.

Vulnerability Testing

Users are prohibited from attempting to probe, scan, or test the vulnerability of CruvzCloud's environment or breach any security or authentication measures without prior express written consent from CruvzCloud. This includes both passive and intrusive techniques.

Respecting these guidelines helps maintain the integrity and security of CruvzCloud's environment for all users.

Network Abuse

Users are strictly prohibited from engaging in any activities deemed by CruvzCloud, at its sole discretion, to constitute network abuse. These include, but are not limited to:

Introducing or running malicious programs on any network or server, such as viruses, worms, Trojan Horses, or key loggers.

Causing or initiating security breaches or disruptions of network communication and connectivity, including activities like port scans, flood pings, email-bombing, packet spoofing, IP spoofing, and forged routing information.

Engaging in any network activity aimed at intercepting data not intended for the user's server.

Attempting to evade or bypass user authentication or network security, including cracking, brute-force, or dictionary attacks.

Interfering with or denying service to any user, host, or network other than the user's own, such as through denial of service attacks.

Conduct aimed at bypassing restrictions or access limits to specific services, hosts, or networks, including forging packet headers or identification information.

Soliciting or encouraging illegal activities, regardless of whether the activity is carried out.

Using programs or sending messages intended to interfere with or disable a user's terminal session.

Threatening bodily harm, encouraging harm or property destruction, harassing others, or encouraging harassing behavior.

Engaging in fraudulent activities or using services for scams like pyramid schemes.

Collecting personal information about others without their knowledge or consent.

Creating fake weblogs or web content to promote affiliated websites or manipulate search engine rankings.

Acting in any manner that might negatively impact CruvzCloud's public image, reputation, or goodwill, or subject CruvzCloud to unfavorable regulatory action, or liability.

Adhering to these guidelines ensures a safe and trustworthy environment for all users of CruvzCloud's services.

Live Events

Users are prohibited from using CruvzCloud's services to stream any live sex acts, irrespective of whether the content would otherwise comply with the AUP. Additionally, CruvzCloud reserves the right to restrict users from streaming other live events if there's a reasonable risk, at CruvzCloud's discretion, that the event may violate the guidelines outlined in the Offensive Content section above.

Compliance with these regulations ensures a respectful and appropriate environment for all users utilizing CruvzCloud's services.

Intellectual Property Infringement Policy

Users are prohibited from transmitting, distributing, downloading, copying, caching, hosting, or storing any information, data, material, or work on CruvzCloud's services, including any server, network, or physical infrastructure, that infringes upon the intellectual property rights of others or violates any trade secret rights.

Specifically, users may not utilize CruvzCloud's services to download, publish, distribute, copy, or use any text, music, software, art, image, or other copyrighted work unless:

They have explicit authorization from the copyright owner to copy the work in that manner, or

They are otherwise permitted by established copyright law to copy the work in that manner.

CruvzCloud reserves the right to disable access to or remove infringing content as required by law or regulation. Should a customer or any third-party user, including those who are customers of CruvzCloud's customers, repeatedly violate CruvzCloud�s Intellectual Property Infringement Policy, copyright laws, or any other intellectual property rights, CruvzCloud reserves the right to (i) permanently suspend or terminate services to such customer and/or (ii) suspend or permanently terminate access to CruvzCloud's services for such third-party user. Adhering to these guidelines ensures the protection of intellectual property rights for all users of CruvzCloud's services.

E-mail and Anti-Spamming Policy

Users are prohibited from engaging in the following activities:

Sending unsolicited bulk messages over the internet (i.e., "spamming").

Creating fake weblogs ("splogs") intended to promote the author's affiliated websites or enhance associated site rankings.

Sending spam to weblog sites or automatically posting random comments or promotions for commercial services to weblogs ("spamming blogs").

Users must comply with all relevant legislation and regulations regarding bulk and commercial email, including the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003. Mass Mailings are restricted to recipients who have Confirmed Opt-In or Closed-Loop Opt-In to mailings from the user. Users conducting mass mailings must maintain accurate records of consents and opt-ins, providing these records to CruvzCloud upon request. Failure to provide verifiable proof of consents and opt-ins will be considered unsolicited mailings.

Mailing Lists operated by users must target an audience that has voluntarily signed up for email information through a Confirmed Opt-In or Closed-Loop Opt-In process or made their email addresses available for distribution. Users managing mailing lists must maintain accurate records of consents and Opt-In elections, providing these records to CruvzCloud upon request. Failure to provide proof of consents and Opt-In elections will be considered unsolicited mailing.

Other prohibited activities include, but are not limited to:
Use of CruvzCloud's network to receive replies to unsolicited mass emails.

Forgery of email headers ("spoofing").

Spamming via third-party proxies or aggregation of proxy lists.

Configuration of a mail server to accept and process third-party messages without user identification and authentication.

Hosting web pages advertised within "spam email" sent from another network ("spamvertising").

Hosting web pages or providing services that support spam.

Any other unsolicited bulk messages, postings, or transmissions through various media.

Should any customer or third-party user using CruvzCloud's services cause CruvzCloud to be "blacklisted" or blocked, CruvzCloud reserves the right to suspend or permanently terminate services for such users. Utilizing CruvzCloud services on behalf of, or in connection with, or reselling any service to persons or firms listed in the Spamhaus Register of Known Spam Operations database at is considered a violation of this AUP.

Adhering to these guidelines ensures a spam-free and reliable environment for all users of CruvzCloud's services.

IP Allocation

CruvzCloud retains ownership of each IP address it assigns to a customer. Customers are not permitted to utilize IP addresses that have not been assigned or approved by CruvzCloud. CruvzCloud reserves the right to suspend network access for any server using IP addresses beyond the assigned range.

Adherence to these guidelines ensures efficient IP address allocation and network management for the benefit of all users of CruvzCloud's services.

IRC Policy

Customers are not permitted to operate or maintain IRC servers that connect to global IRC networks like Undernet, EFnet, and DALnet. Additionally, the use of IRC plug-ins, scripts, add-ons, clones, or any software intended to disrupt or deny service to other users is strictly prohibited.

Any harassing or abusive IRC activities, including disrupting or denying service or utilizing "botnets," IRC BNCs, or similar proxy and redirection software, are expressly prohibited under this AUP.

Should a customer's IRC servers frequently face compromises or attract denial of service or distributed denial of service attacks, disrupting or denying service to other customers or users, CruvzCloud reserves the right to null-route, filter, suspend, or terminate that customer's service.

Adherence to these guidelines ensures a stable and secure environment for all users of CruvzCloud's services.

Usenet Policy

Usenet posts and content must adhere to the standards set by the Internet community and the relevant newsgroup charter. CruvzCloud retains the right to assess whether such posts are in violation of the AUP.

Legal Investigations

Users are required to cooperate with any civil or criminal investigation regarding the use of CruvzCloud Services or the CruvzCloud IT Environment. This includes investigations concerning network usage, physical infrastructure, or content transmitted or stored using CruvzCloud Services. Cooperation involves complying with discovery orders, subpoenas, search warrants, preservation requests, and any other lawful orders from courts, government entities, or regulatory agencies.

CruvzCloud reserves the right to charge reasonable costs and expenses associated with complying with any investigation to the user or any party seeking compliance. Additionally, CruvzCloud may fulfill an investigation without prior notice to the user.

Customers will not be eligible for refunds or service credits if compliance with an investigation causes downtime or necessitates the sequestering of all or part of the CruvzCloud IT Environment, including customer servers. CruvzCloud also reserves the right to disclose information related to users and their use of CruvzCloud Services, the CruvzCloud IT Environment, or transmitted/stored information if required for an investigation or to prevent harm to any individual, at CruvzCloud's sole discretion.

These measures ensure compliance with legal obligations and may be essential in safeguarding the security and well-being of individuals within the CruvzCloud community.

Violations of AUP

CruvzCloud reserves the right to enforce this AUP, with or without prior notice to a user, through actions it deems reasonable at its sole discretion. Apart from the remedies outlined elsewhere in this AUP, CruvzCloud may:

Disable access to a user's content that violates this AUP.

Suspend or terminate a user's access to CruvzCloud Services, the CruvzCloud IT Environment, or its physical infrastructure.

Remove DNS records from servers.

Block mail or any other network service.

Implement IP address null routing.

Take legal action against a user to ensure compliance with this AUP.

These measures are employed to uphold the standards of acceptable use and ensure a secure and reliable environment for all users of CruvzCloud's services.

Reporting Violations

To report any violation of this AUP, please direct the information to the Abuse Department at [email protected] or via postal mail to:

CruvzCloud Services
Bangalore, Mumbai, Hyderabad.

If available, please provide:
The IP address involved in the alleged violation.

The date and time of the alleged violation, along with the time zone or GMT offset.

Evidence supporting the alleged violation.

E-mail with full header information includes the above details, as do system log files. Different situations may require various methods of providing this information.

CruvzCloud may take the following actions in response to complaints:
Issue verbal or written warnings.

Suspend newsgroup posting privileges.

Suspend or terminate the user's account.

Bill the user for administrative or reactivation charges.

Pursue legal action to stop violations or collect damages resulting from violations.

Should a user's actions expose CruvzCloud to potential liability, as reasonably determined by CruvzCloud, CruvzCloud reserves the right to permanently suspend or terminate the user's access to CruvzCloud Services, the CruvzCloud IT Environment, or its physical infrastructure.

The remedial actions outlined in this AUP do not limit CruvzCloud's rights to enforce compliance. CruvzCloud reserves the right to recover expenses and apply reasonable charges for a user's violation of this AUP. No refunds or service credits will be issued for service interruptions due to AUP violations.

CruvzCloud reserves the right to investigate any actual, suspected, or alleged violations of this AUP, which may involve accessing data and records associated with any server, network, or physical infrastructure owned by CruvzCloud.

These measures are in place to maintain the integrity and compliance of CruvzCloud's services and infrastructure in line with acceptable use policies.